KABBALAH & FREEMASONRY: Lucifer's Religion
What is Kabbalah?
Kabbalah is an ancient occult system of belief, philosophy, cosmology and most importantly a discipline of ceremonial magick. It is vital to understand that Kabbalah is the antithesis to Biblical Christianity and fundamentally opposes Jesus Christ as God, and rejects and blasphemes all of Christ's teachings and His work on the cross.
The philosophy and doctrines of the Kabbalah are the foundation of virtually every Luciferian, Masonic, occult sect, satanic secret society, and witchcraft coven that has arisen in the past one thousand years. It heavily influences the majority of the world's most powerful institutions and governments.
Kabbalistic teachings are also the basis for the new age spiritual movement that was revived by self proclaimed satanist Helena Blavatsky and her Theosophical Society in the late 1800's, and later adopted by the United Nation's "Lucis (Lucifer) Trust" as the foundation for the UN's New World Religion.
Kabbalah philosophies are foundational within the pseudoscientific transhumanist movement, that pursues the complete merger of man with technology to evolve and exalt select humans into "godhood." It is also at the heart of the transgender movement to unify the male and female essence into one non-binary race of beings. (*Beware The World To Come - Christopher John Bjerknes)
Where did Kabbalah come from?
Early Kabbalistic knowledge was attained by the ancient Israelites from exposure to the satanic secret doctrines of the Chaldean, Phoenician and Egyptian mystery religions, while they were being held captive in Babylon between 600-500 BC. Kabbalah was then transmitted orally by the Rabbis and their sages, eventually to be “interwoven” into (what is now considered) modern Judaism, as they strayed far from God's commandments, perverting their religious teachings and culture. The current Kabbalistic and Talmudic doctrines were never part of the original Hebrew Israelite belief system, but sadly comprises the majority of modern Judaism.
After they were released from captivity, foreign conquests drove their spiritual leadership of the time (the Sanhedrin) to hide the knowledge and make it secret, fearing that enemies will learn and use Kabbalah against them. Kabbalistic teachings were eventually turned into a collection of sacred writings, like the Zohar, in the late 1200’s.
Lurianic Kabbalah is the contemporary and most practiced form of Kabbalah today. You can open virtually any Jewish prayer book and find numerous passages drawn from Kabbalah. It is the foundation of Hasidic Judaism, and is also used in Orthodox, Reform, and Reconstructionist Jewish belief systems. Some common forms include:
Theosophical Kabbalah - philosophical divine magick
Ecstatic Kabbalah - meditative prophetic magick
Practical Kabbalah - talismanic/ceremonial magick
A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth. He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers;
Frowardness (perversion) is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.
Proverbs 6:12-15: (KJV)
Quotes about Kabbalah
“And when augmented by wide ranging reading from a number of works related to the Craft (most of which were suggested by New Age articles or editorial commentary), it is evident that international Freemasonry historically has been a revolutionary world-wide movement organized to advance Kabbalistic Gnosticism and, if possible, to undermine Christianity...” -- Paul A. Fisher, “Behind the Lodge Door”, page 16
“The Kabbalah is a body of occult doctrine, originally Jewish, which has been adopted with enthusiasm by non-Jewish occultists since the fifteenth century. Freemasons Eliphas Levi, Mathers, and Aleister Crowley were all heavily influenced by it.” -- Richard Cavendish, “The Dark Arts”
“Although many Kabbalists have led devout and blameless lives, thick veins of magic and sorcery are not far beneath the Kabbalah’s surface.” -- Thomas Friend, "Fallen Angel" page 393
“In essence, the Kabbalah, as preserved in the Zohar, completely subverts everything which God ever tried to teach the Jews about Himself and about ethics and religion.” -- Pike, Theodore Winston, “Israel, Our Duty, Our Dilemma”
“Even today virtually all occult systems (especially theosophical ones) and practices, including witchcraft and Satanism, borrow heavily from the Kabbalah in their rituals and symbolism.” -- Theodore Pike, “Israel, Out Duty, Our Dilemma” page 103
“The philosophy and doctrines of the Jewish Kabbalah are the wellspring of virtually every wicked, occult sect, satanic secret society, and witchcraft cult that has arisen in the past one thousand years.” -- Texe Marrs, POP Newsletter, Jan 2006
“Kabbalah is the heart of the Western Hermetic tradition; it is the foundation upon which the art of Western magic rests.” -- Sandra and Chic Cicero, the authors of “The Essencial Golden Dawn: An Introduction to High Magic”, page 96. Llewlellyn Publications
“Judaism is one of the oldest living estoteric traditions in the world. Virtually every form of Western mysticism and spiritualism known today draws upon Jewish mythic Kabbalah and occult teachings--magic, angelology, alchemy, numerology, astral projection, dream interpretation, astrology, amulets, divination, altered states of consciousness, alternate healing and rituals of power--all have roots in the Jewish occult.” -- Rabbi Geoffrey W. Dennis, Jewish Myth, Magic, and Mysticism, xi, 2007, Llewellyn Publications,
The Zohar
The Zohar “Book of Radiance” contains 23 books of Kabbalistic scripture. It was first publicized by Moses de León (1240 – 1305.) The Zohar gives mystical and esoteric interpretations of the Torah (the first books of Moses in the Old Testament), which invert and pervert its literal meaning into Luciferian teachings. The Zohar also contains occult doctrine on mysticism, mythical cosmogony, and spiritual psychology. Other main Kabbalah books are Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation) and the Bahir (The Book of Illumination.)
Kabbalah Black Magick
GOLEM - the artificial anthropoid
A golem is a clay creature that has been brought to life through ceremonial Kabbalah magick. The name comes from the Hebrew word “golem,” which means something incomplete or unfinished, like an embryo. The Kabbalists see the creation of a golem as a kind of alchemical task which proves the adept’s skill and knowledge of Kabbalah.
R. Abraham Galante, a Kabbalist from Safed, recorded a method of Ashkenazi (German-Jewish) origin in which the mystics would spread a layer of “new” dust on the floor or the ground, and inscribe in it the name of the thing they wished to create. They would then combine each letter of the name of that thing with every letter of the Hebrew alphabet. To destroy the thing, they would reverse the recitation.
If combined with meditative, paced breathing and pronunciation techniques, some of these methods would have taken the Kabbalist 36 hours or more of uninterrupted meditation to complete.
In another combination method, the mystic was required to combine the 42-letter Name of God and the Tetragrammaton in special ways, then inscribe several Names on the golems forehead to bring it to life.
Worshiping the god of Saturn
This is what the tefillin (the black box the Kabbalists wear on their head) relates to. It contains the Shema prayer which is a formula arranged with the Hebrew alphabet which is a series of charged yantra’s that ties into their energy matrix. The Shema sequence is what unites the Kabbalist with their Saturn god, which is represented by the cube. The tefillin acts like an antenna that draws down a powerful spiritual force from Saturn.
BLACK CUBE ALTER at the United Nations
The Meditation Room at the United Nations Building in New York, designed by Dag Hammarskjold, was created to look like a pyramid lying on its side with a mural in place of the capstone. It's a small room with no windows and in the center of the room is a 4 foot high stone altar made of dark grey crystalline ore. The stone is extremely magnetic and possesses polarity. The room is dimly lit, with a small beam of light from a lens in the ceiling focuses on the altar.
KAABA IN MECCA - Black Cube of Saturn Worship
The Kaaba is a shrine located near the center of the Great Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and considered by Muslims everywhere to be the most sacred spot on Earth. The Kaaba is a black cube, in honor and worship of Saturn. Muslims worldwide point themselves toward this small shrine during the five daily prayers, and bury their dead facing towards it. Walking around the Kaaba is a significant ritual in Islam, known as Tawaf. (This represents the rings around Saturn.) It is a mandatory part of the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages, and is also performed by Muslims who visit the Kaaba as part of their daily prayers. The ritual involves walking counterclockwise around the Kaaba seven times,
Saturn worship is world wide and is prominently displayed in many major cities.
Another shocking fact is that the hexagram or six pointed star was never actually "the star of David" but rather the star of Remphan talked about in Acts 7:43
“Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.”