Over the past decade there's been an explosion of Christians who have joined a very popular trend to follow the teachings of Kabbalist Rabbis, who promote the false name change of Jesus to Yeshua (or other various forms of faux Hebrew names like Yahusha, YahHushua, ect.) It is based on a deception that says the original New Testament was written in Hebrew, and that Jesus's name in Hebrew is Yeshua. However, This is false.
Ancient Paleo Hebrew became a dead language during the 2nd Century BC (200+ years before Jesus) and its spoken form is still unknowable today.
The new Modern Hebrew 2.0 language (what's written today) wasn't invented until centuries after the life and ministry of Jesus.
This new Hebrew 2.0 was ONLY a written version of modern Hebrew 2.0 (invented, developed and finalized sometime between 200-600 AD)
The modern written Hebrew 2.0 is heavily plagiarized form the Aramaic alphabet, and not a true "resurrection" of the ancient Paleo Hebrew language that died in the 2nd Century BC.
Modern spoken Hebrew 2.0 wasn't invented until recently in the late 1800's by Rabbi Eliezer Ben-Yehuda.
The new modern spoken and written Hebrew 2.0 language used today, is not the same true ancient "paleo Hebrew" but was invented after the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, and is a totally different language than the extinct ancient Paleo Hebrew.
Jesus and the Apostles read, spoke, and wrote in Greek, and also Aramaic, not Hebrew 2.0 (because the ancient paleo Hebrew was dead, and the new modern Hebrew 2.0 wasn't invented yet.)
History proves that every single one of the original New Testament documents were in fact written in Greek, and the name they originally wrote for Jesus was Ἰησοῦς (Iēsoûs).
Jesus himself and his Apostles spoke Greek, as well as Aramaic. Please remember that Aramaic is NOT the original ancient Hebrew language of Moses. The ancient Paleo Hebrew was a dead language during the 1st Century AD, and the new modern Hebrew 2.0 hadn't been invented yet.
There were more Greek speaking Jews living in Alexandria than the Aramaic speaking Jews in Jerusalem. The diaspora Jews all spoke Greek. Paul wouldn't have written his letters in a language foreign to his audience. Koine Greek was the universal language during this time. Aramaic was limited and very regional, spoken mostly only by the Jews who lived in Jerusalem.
Two of the greatest historians of the time are considered Hellenized Jews. Both Philo and Josephus recorded their accounts in Greek, and both were deeply influenced and educated in Greek. Koine Greek then was like English is today; the universal language of communication and commerce. The first century AD people were in many instances "polyglots" or at least very familiar with other languages.
Jesus and the Apostles did not speak the modern Hebrew 2.0 that is spoken today, because that wasn't invented until recently in the late 1800's by Zionist Rabbi Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. And they didn't speak the ancient Paleo Hebrew, as that had become a dead language hundred of years before Jesus's time.
The Paleo-Hebrew language was commonly used in the kingdoms of Israel and Judah throughout the 8th and 7th centuries BC. During the 6th century BC, when the Israelites were held captive in Babylon, the Paleo-Hebrew language gradually died, while the Babylonian language of Aramaic became its replacement. The Jews who returned to Judea after their capitity around 400 BC continued using Aramaic, while Paleo-Hebrew went completely extinct.
Around 200-300 AD the Masoretes, a group of Talmudic/Kabbalist Pharisees, began engineering a new written only Hebrew 2.0 language that heavily plagiarized the Aramaic alphabet.
In their new invention of written Hebrew 2.0, the Masoretes created "charged" amulets (crowns) on their alphabet. It was designed to be a magick language of Kabbalah occult rituals and practices such as Gematria, a form of numerology and divination. This is why modern Hebrew 2.0 is heavily used and revered in the occult.
In the centuries following the crucifixion of Christ, the Masoretes (Pharisees) began writing their own version of the Old Testament scriptures using their newly invented Modern Hebrew 2.0 written language (which plagiarized the Aramaic alphabet.) This translation took hundreds of years to complete, and wasn't finished until around 600 AD.
It's a strange thing that all modern English Bible translations use these Masoretic texts for their Old Testament, instead of the Greek Septuagint, which is much older and closer to the original texts. It's important to know that Jesus and the Apostles read and quoted from the Greek Septuagint, as this was the main source of the Old Testament scriptures at the time.
The Greek Septuagint is what Jesus and the Apostles used as their "Old Testament" scriptures. The Septuagint predates the Masoretic Texts by almost 1,000 years. The Septuagint was translated from the original ancient Paleo Hebrew texts into Greek in the 2nd Century BC. However, the Masoretic texts were not translated directly from the ancient Paleo Hebrew because those texts were lost forever soon after the Septuagint translation was complete. The Masoretic Texts are about 3x removed from the original paleo-Hebrew, while the Greek Septuagint is directly translated from the paleo-Hebrew.
It is important to note that the writers of the Masoretic texts (Talmudic Kabbalist Pharisees who disliked Jesus very much) sneakily revised a handful of Old Testament scriptures that were prophetic references to the deity of Jesus. You can compare the Septuagint to the Masoretic texts and see the differences in a video HERE.Below are a few important examples as well:
The Masoretic texts also removed over 800 years from the genealogical bloodlines found in the Septuagint! You can see the differences HERE.
Many people mistakenly refer to the Masoretic Texts as the "Hebrew Bible" thinking it's the original paleo-Hebrew language Bible, when in fact, the original "Hebrew Bible" doesn't exist anymore. The Septuagint Bible is actually more credible and almost a thousand years older than the Masoretic Texts which are written in the new Hebrew 2.0 language.
One of the most common arguments Kabbalist Rabbis give to promote the false idea that Modern Hebrew 2.0 is the REAL Hebrew, is the existence of the "Dead Sea Scrolls" and the language written on those scrolls. But those scrolls themselves are part of the fraud. This is just a short clip from a longer presentation by historian Paul Schaffranke as he details problems with the Dead Sea Scrolls:
Dead Sea Scroll fragment 5/6HEV PS found in the Cave of Letters at Nahal Hever
As you can see from the example above, all the Dead Sea Scrolls were written in the modern Hebrew 2.0 block script. This is highly problematic when you consider that this script wasn't created until hundreds of years AFTER Jesus lived. Another problem is that all the Dead Sea Scrolls were written on vermilion sheepskin. If they were truly authentic, they would would have been written on papyrus, as explained in the video above.
William Tyndale translated the very first English Bible in 1525. As a Greek scholar he translated from the original New Testament Greek manuscripts. At that time, the letter "J" didn't exist in the Greek or English languages, however, even though the letter "J" wasn't invented yet, the sound of the "J" was absolutely used.
The pronunciation rule was that if the letter "i" was placed before a vowel (like Iesous) then it would create the "J" sound. For example, in 1611 King James was the ruler, and his name was pronouned "King JAY-MZ" even though his name was spelled "King Iames." For example, even though the word Jew was written as "iew" it was still pronounced with a "J" sound, exactly as we speak it today.
This pronunciation rule was also followed in the Greek language too. That means that during Jesus' time, he was literally called JEE-SUZ as he is today in English!
There’s also claims from some misguided folks that the name Jesus really means “Earth Pig” or even “hail Zeus”, but this is false too, as we can can see in the English to Greek translations:
JESUS = Ιησούς
EARTH PIG = Γήινος χοίρος
HAIL ZUES = Χαίρε Δία.
In Latin the name “Jesus” does not directly translate to “Earth-Pig”, as some sources may suggest. Instead, the Latin name “Iesu” is an adaptation of the Greek “Iesous.”
Although many think that Jesus's true name is Yeshua (or Yahshua) it is not. Yeshua is actually referring to the messiah of the Kabbalah, who is also named Metatron who is not the Jesus Christ of the Bible, but is actually more in alignment to be Lucifer, the false angel of light.Metatron is built upon earlier occult "mysteries" about Enoch coupled with a total rejection of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Here are some fascinating quotes about Metatron from Deanne Loper's book Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know. The book is a response to Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira's book The Return of the Kosher Pig.
Yeshua is not the true name of Jesus.
Ancient Paleo Hebrew became an extinct and dead language hundreds of years before Jesus was born.
Modern written Hebrew didn't exist until the Masoretes plagiarized Aramaic hundreds of years after the crucifixion of Jesus.
The Dead Sea Scrolls are written in this new Modern Hebrew (that was created after Christ) not the ancient paleo Hebrew (that was only spoken before Christ)
Jesus and the Apostles spoke Greek, and Aramaic, not Hebrew. Jews of this time did not know how to speak Paleo Hebrew.
It wasn't until the late 1800's that modern spoken Hebrew was invented.
All the original New Testament manuscripts were written in Greek, not Hebrew. Even the "Epistle to the Hebrews", written by Paul, a Jew and former Pharisee, was written in Greek.
The name they originally wrote for Jesus was Ἰησοῦς (Iēsoûs).
Yeshua is the name for Metatron, who is Lucifer the false Angel of Light, as described in the Kabbalah. Yeshua is not Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Jesus is his true name and "Christ" is his title.
All of this is deliberate and very clever deception. The Kabbalists behind this sneaky agenda are hoping that you will agree that their fake Hebrew names are a good replacement for Jesus Christ, because once Christians are willing to abandon the name of Jesus Christ, they have now opened the door to accepting Kabbalah Mysticism as a replacement for the New Testament Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Perhaps this is why Jesus warned us to not follow Rabbis and turning to them for our spiritual guidance: "But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher." -Matthew 23:8
By calling on the name of Jesus Christ I was literally born again as described in John 3:3. From that day on, Jesus Christ began a work in me and renewed my heart and mind, making me a new creation in Christ, as described in 2 Corinthians 5:17. I was miraculously freed my my insatiable addictions, lustful perversions, homosexuality, alcoholism, and other chemical addictions. By calling out and surrendering to the name of Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, I received the promises made in the New Testament of the Bible.
"Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
-Philippians 2:9–11
Fantastic research videos on these important deceptions:
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